Character Masterlist

Owner Name Rarity Species Created
izzy Cap-232: Taag'gollir, gatekeeper of knowledge Enchanted Cappari 4 June 2022, 08:14:38 EDT
izzy Cap-207: Baz'gollir, the vessel of purification Enchanted Cappari 10 February 2022, 17:14:10 EST
Wai-Fi Cap-100: Valkyrie Event Cappari 22 February 2021, 19:51:32 EST
AlphaDargon Cap-076 Legendary Cappari 24 December 2020, 22:04:20 EST
booksnob@dA Cap-068 Event Cappari 24 October 2020, 06:03:25 EDT
DiMono Cap-067: Prodigy Enchanted Cappari 17 October 2020, 18:45:59 EDT
6 results found.