
Cappari Weather Halo (Rare)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Weather Halo -  This Cappari possesses a halo with atmospheric properties floating/occuring around it (ie. clouds/rain/snow).

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

Cappari Ornate Halo (Enchanted)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Ornate Halo -  This Cappari possesses a halo with an ornate design, outisde of the regular simple circle halo shape.

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

Cappari Affinity Halo (Enchanted)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Affinity Halo -  This Cappari possesses a halo showing off the effects/element of their affinity(s).

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

(Note that the Cappari must also possess an affinity(s) for this trait to be presented physically on the design, and match the element/effects of their possessed affinity(s).)

Cappari Mirror Halo (Rare)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Mirror Halo -  This Cappari possesses a halo with a reflective surface inside of it, similar to a mirror's surface.

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

Cappari Light Halo (Rare)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Light Halo -  This Cappari possesses a halo seemingly made out of solid light.

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

(Note that this trait is unaffiliated with the Light Affinity trait.)

Cappari Double Halo (Legendary)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Double Halo - Your cappari has two halos. These can be stacked, interlocked, or hovering elsewhere on their body. 

Applicable for Cappari only.

Cappari Triple Halo (Legendary)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Triple Halo - Your cappari has three halos. These can be stacked, interlocked, or hovering elsewhere on their body. 

Applicable for Cappari only.

Cappari Object Halo (Enchanted)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Cappari Object halo - This trait allows a cappari to have a ring-shaped object as their halo! This can be anything from a Pool inner tube, a Donut, ETC!

Applicable for Cappari/Fallen Cappari only.

Cappari Halo reposition (Rare)

Category: Cappari Traits
Species: Cappari

Allows you to position the cappari's halo somewhere other than directly above their head (on their ear, around their neck etc)

One halo must be located around the head/neck/ears! but If they have a second halo it can be located somewhere else on the body!

ONE halo reposition trait can affect all the halos a cappari has, you do not need more than one halo reposition trait.

Halo (Event)

Category: Event Traits

Halo -  This trait allows your ranebopet to have a floating Halo above their head! This halo can be a solid ring of any color. It can have a transparent color inside like cappari have. This halo gives your ranebopet the ability to teleport along Cappari teleportation routes.

Applicable for all species. Gives cappari the "Double halo" trait. Apply this trait using a Cherub Potion or Halo Spell.

FCapi Shaped Broken Halo (Rare)

Species: Cappari (Fallen Cappari subtype)

Fallen Cappari Shaped Broken Halo -  This Fallen Cappari possesses a halo who's broken piece/ shards create special shapes (ie. Crescent moon, Antlers, etc.)

Applicable for Fallen Cappari only.

11 results found.